Retriever Training
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Puppy Head Start
Our puppy program is for pups between 8 to 20 weeks to give them an early introduction to the training and hunting concepts they'll see later in life. Pups will be introduced to feather, gunfire, birds, field work, boats, water, etc. Pups will also be socialized with other dogs as well as humans and we will be instilling the groundwork for future training.
Basic Retriever Training
Inches stage of training we will set the foundation for a solid working dog. There will be a big influence on formal obedience and we will teach the mechanics of a basic retrieve, steadiness and delivery to hand. Force fetch and collar conditioning will be completed during this stage as well. Once your dog has completed its basic training, you will be able to compete in HRC or AKC Junior Test and take it to the field with confidence.
Intro to the gun
Intro to live game
Steadiness on marked game
Beginning stages of blind retrieves
On lead obedience (heel, here, sit, down)
Collar conditioning
Force Fetch
Seasoned Retriever Training
We call this stage of training the gundog stage. This is where development of a well rounded hunting dog takes place. In this phase we concentrate on handling, complex marks and blinds. Once this phase is complete, your dog will have all of the skills needed to be a great hunting companion or compete in UKC Seasoned Test or AKC Senior Test.
Basic handling skills
Blind retrieves
Whistle commands & casting
Multiple marked retrieves
Single T & Double T
Pattern Blinds
Honoring other dogs in the field
Finished Retriever Training
In this phase of training, we polish everything learned up to this point and make it better. We teach advanced marking concepts and advanced, multi-factored blind retrieves. Here, we teach the concepts and develop the skills needed for a dog to run HRC Finished tests and AKC Master Tests.